October 19, 2013


Again, for the third time in three years in a row I get to perform in the Migrants' Festival in Changwon. This time, I performed Tari Pendet for the first time in this festival. The past two year I performed Tari Saman. Last year, we even got to be on TV! Well actually this year, Saman got to be on TV again. 

Eventhough saman got to be on TV again, I decided to perform Tari Pendet. After all, Tari Pendet was the first traditional dance I learned. It was actually my first time not performing saman with the others. It felt kinda weird not being on stage with them, instead I was the audience. That feeling when you decided to let go of something you are comfortable with, just to experience some changes. Just to actually see what is out there. So this is what it feels like when you watch saman. I actually got goosebumps watching them. They are great.