October 31, 2013

Knock Knock Indonesia 2013

The 2nd annual of Knock Knock Indonesia that will be held this saturday on the 2nd of November is titled "The Lost Emerald". It is inspired by one of the many titles Indonesia has. 

This year's concept is a bit different from last year's. The performance still consists of traditional dance, traditional songs. The difference is that this KKI has a story line. We've compiled the dances and the songs, making it into a drama. The drama which is derived from a traditional story will be presented through pantomime. 

(click here for our page)

October 30, 2013


30 questions on the 30th

1. Trying on some clothes.

2. I've changed a lot. Physically, emotionally, mentally. I get to meet many different type of people during my time here, and I think each of them has at least given something that made me what I am today. I've been through good times and bad times this past 2 years being a foreigner here. I've learned a lot. Looking at how people grow, they become more individualistic. So am I. I guess that's how people are. 

3. I actually don't get attracted to a person that easily. I would say, I'm somehow picky. A smart, logic and realistic person attracts me the most. I tend to observe people and try to actually understand their personality. I even try to put my self in their shoes sometimes and wonder what's going on in their mind.

4. Underwear and a tank top.

5. ...

6. Him. The reason is indescribable. 

7. Cheating is easy. How about trying something harder, like being loyal?

8. My passion in my future career.


10. I never tried both. I have no intention on trying them what so ever. And I never will.

11. Stress-free. Single life has its own charm.

12. I don't even know where to begin.

13. Scuba diving.

14. I don't mind eating food that fell on the floor.

15. Had no class on Monday!

16. Sociable. Lively. Open-minded.

17. Let my parents down.

18. I've no intention of doing that again. Big regrets.

19. Solat.

20. I can't remember.

21. Him.

22. I'll just mention one ; I'm actually deep. 

23. "What if I said No that time" 

24. ...

25. Smart, real, logical, well-mannered, funny, knowledgeable, honest, talented, great taste in music, tall figure.

26. Alhamdulillah, a Muslim.

27. My forever best friend.

28. May. Went to Thailand with friends for my graduation trip.

29. Seriously?

30. I'm starting to be myself again. I hope things will get better next month.

October 29, 2013

Fall Haul

01 Vintage Denim Blazer
This blazer had me at hello! I've never seen anything like it.
Acid-washed denim has never really been my thing, 
but this one is sure exceptional.
(thrift shop)

02 Tribal Backpack
Fell in love with the combination of the pink neon and the bolt blue.
A medium backpack is what I need in these hectic days.

03 Black flats
These pairs are probably one of the many black flats I own.
I can't never get enough of black flats.
They're my forever to-go shoes!
(thrift shop)

04 Black Cut-outs Ankle Boots
Too bad the chunky heels weren't black. I wish they were black.
I guess this is the perfect heel height.
Not to short, not to high.

05 Dark Brown Ankle Boots
Apparently 1 cm higher makes a huge different. 
The cut-outs are way more comfortable.

October 28, 2013


Due to the fact that I have been literally sleeping all day, I have no intention of sleeping tonight what so ever. I haven't been productive these past two days. Well, I wasn't planning to be either. I just wanted to sleep all day, and that's what I did. I feel content. No regrets at all. 

Apparently I was worn out this week that I slept the whole day for two days in a row. I still think it was a good weekend though. I'm having those days where I don't want to care or think about anything and just be one with my bed. I couldn't even bother to answer any calls. Let alone answering calls, I didn't even care that my phone was off. Alone time has been pretty good these days. No tears.

With all the chaos that has been going on lately, feeling happy is rather a rare thing for me. But then I've come to realize the key to happiness is balance. Not every good thing could stay on top of the wheel. Sometimes, one could be on top of the wheel. Sometimes, one could be on the bottom. But, it is not possible for one to fall apart completely. There's always something to hold on to. You just need to look at the bright side. Finding happiness is easy and simple. It is everywhere. You just need to look a little closer in order to find it. 

Life is indeed fair. One just need to see it from a different perspective. 

October 26, 2013

List of things I've been missing lately :

- dolce latte
- sushi
- reading
- drawing
- painting
- swimming
- a companion
- laughing till I get stomachaches
- deep honest conversation
- eating at my granny's
- wandering at noon
- long rides
- a pet hammy
- home

October 25, 2013

Wee wee weekend!

Selesai juga minggu UTS ini. Sebenarnya minggu UTS gak ngaruh ke gw sih. Secara di jurusan gw udah gak ada lagi yang namanya ujian. Ujian tuh pas tahun pertama doang ujian theory-theory gtu. Itu pun cuma satu atau dua pelajaran. Sisanya hanyalah tugas-tugas yang gak ada hentinya. Dan sampai detik ini pun, hanyalah deadline-deadline tugas yang selalu ada tiap minggu. Intinya ujian gak ujian, minggu-minggu gw di penuhin tugas menugas.

Dan lagi-lagi seperti biasa, kalau lagi minggu rusuh ujian begini, anak-anak design selalu aja dapet celotehan "enak yah santai, gak ada ujian, gak harus pusing-pusing belajar cuman gambar-gambar gitu". Pertamanya sih fine-fine aja, lama-lama capek juga dengerinnya *gak terima di sepelekan. Iya memang benar, justru di minggu UTS kadang-kadang malah beberapa kelas di liburkan karena biasanya satu minggu sebelum minggu ujian itu deadline projectnya. Jadi, dosen meliburkan dengan tujuan memberi kita waktu buat belajar pelajaran lain. Well, karena gw gak ambil pelajaran lain yang aneh-aneh, rada santai sih. Di samping pelajaran jurusan, gw ambil pelajaran jurusan inggris buat naikin IP. Dan juga udah eneg belajar pelajaran jurusan ama dosen orang korea. Jadi butuh refreshing dikit. Ya itung-itung, biar gak lupa juga ama bahasa inggris (udah kebanyakan bahasa yang di pelajarin). So, ujian gw hanya pelajaran inggris yang emang gak perlu belajar. Bukannya sombong, tapi walaupun pelajaran jurusan inggris, gw berasa itu pelajaran anak TK. Dengan kata lain, gampang. 

Setiap jurusan itu ada enak dan gak enaknya masing-masing. Dan menurut gw gak bisa di compare. Ya kali jurusan design ada ujiannya, soal macam apa yang akan ada di kertas ujiannya? Karena praktek, pastinya hanyalag ada project-project dibanding ujian. So, gak bisa juga di bilang enak kalau anak design gak usah pusing-pusing belajar karena kita gak ada ujian. Justru, menurut gw, anak-anak design itu lebih stres. Karena kami diharuskan untuk berkreasi, berimajinasi, sedangkan jurusan lain mengikuti teori buku (deritanya kuliah di sini adalah buku-bukunya dalam bahasa korea, jadi itu susahnya). Misalnya, betapa susahnya kami menguras otak buat mencari ide atau sebuah concept. Belum lagi nyeseknya, kalau ternyata ide atau concept tersebut ternyata udah ada yang pakai. Kami gak bisa jalan kalau concept belum fix. Dan mikirin concept itu gak segampang itu karena banyak banget hal-hal yang perlu di pertimbangkan seperti target design tersebut, sesuai dan tidak sesuainya dengan temanya, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan kalau concept udah fix, mulai lah galau-galau lain berdatangan. Contoh, warna dan font adalah galau utama gw. Walaupun pemilihan warna gw itu-itu aja, tetep aja setengah mati milih warna, bisa berjam-jam. Dan biasanya nih, besoknya pas otak udah kembali fresh lagi baru nyadar kalau pemilihan warna kemarin itu ternyata rada aneh dan jadi gak sreg. Ujung-ujungnya nyari warna lain lagi. Pemilihan font juga salah satu galau yang membutuhkan waktu lama. Entah itu besar kecil font tersebut, warna apa font tersebut, pakai huruf besar atau kecil, jarak antar kata dan huruf, dimana penempatannya, dkk. Mau font apa aja lama banget nyarinya. Udah ketemu pun, mesti di obrak-abrik lagi.

Pokoknya, memutuskan segala sesuatu hal itu pasti ada resikonya. Sama dengan halnya gw memilih design, gw tau kalau setiap minggunya bakal kebanjiran tugas. Dari awal semester sampe akhir semester pasti gak ada abisnya. Satu-satunya minggu tenang memang minggu ujian dimana orang pontang-panting bergadang belajar. Tapi di minggu biasa, merekalah yang santai dimana gw nahan ngantuk ngerjain tugas. Tapi jujur, gw gak pernah nyeloteh kenapa mereka bisa santai di minggu biasa karena gw tau semua itu ada resikonya. Gw malah bersyukur gw gak harus berkutat dengan buku-buku tebal penuh dengan tulisan bulet-bulet dan kotak-kotak. Dan kalau emang enjoy, walaupun capek pasti di bawa seneng, toh lo melakukan something that you actually love. 


Designs never fail to amaze me. They always inspire me. One of them is furniture design. Furniture design has its own charm. I came to the 32nd Furniture Graduation Exhibition this afternoon after my speaking test. Too bad I didn't bring my camera, but still I manage to take pictures with this phone of mine. 

P.S : "Gagu" means "furniture" in korean (가구)

October 22, 2013


Yup, karena kepala udah penat, gw akan nulis dengan bahasa Indonesia. Mau bagaimana pun, gw adalah orang Indonesia dan kalau lagi penat, keluarnya bahasa Indonesia.

Setelah seharian gak mandi dan ngerjain tugas portfolio book yang belum kelar-kelar juga (yang ada makin galau dengan pemilihan warna), gw jadi banyak berpikir. Karena portfolio itu ngumpulin tugas-tugas dari awal sampai sekarang, gw jadi ngebuka-buka folder-folder lama. Kalau di liat-liat sih ya emang gw improve *pede, dan ternyata piihan warna gw dari tahun pertama tuh ya gitu-gitu aja. Emang warna-warna tersebut apparently ngerepresent gw. Itu sih kata temen-temen gw.

Di buku tersebut, gw harus menulis profile gw. Gw tatap tuh layar laptop gw berjam-jam, bingung juga mau tulis apa. Sampai sekarang, itu halaman masih kosong karena gw langsung lompat ngerjain halaman lain. Emang gw gak bisa diem di satu tempat. Untung deadline masih jauh. Dulu, gw selalu ngacir panjang lebar kalau di suruh nulis essay tentang diri sendiri. Makin kesini, makin bingung mau nulis apa tentang diri sendiri. Apalagi tentang masa depan. Yup, galau masa depan makin menjadi-jadi. Gak kerasa tahun depan udah kelar (sebenernya sih kerasa bgt). Sebenernya udah tau sih mau ngapain setelah lulus. Tapi masih mempertimbangkan option-option yang lain juga. Kalau gw gini, entar begini. Kalau gw gitu, entar begitu. Gimana enaknya yah? Mungkin gw belum menemukan passion gw sebenernya. Karena sampai sekarang pun, gw masih suka mencoba segala hal. Dan gw enjoy bisa a little bit of everything. And I don't wanna be stuck doing just one thing. I like to do a little bit of everything. Kembali lagi dengan gw yang orangnya cepet bosan. Entahlah.. Semoga galau ini cepat berakhir.

Eneg juga seharian mlototin nih illustrator. Entah berapa minus mata gw yang  bertambah tahun ini. Dari pengalaman gw 3 tahun terakhir berkutat dengan design, semakin simpelnya sebuah konsep, semakin susah juga mengerjakannya. Dan makin kesini, gw lebih suka yang simple karena emang terlihat bagus. Remember, simplicity is sophistication. Kenapa susah? Karena kita harus keep it simple! Berhubung jurusan gw adalah desain komunikasi visual, jadi menyampaikan pesan secara visual itu tujuan utama gw. Sebagus-bagusnya design anda, tapi kalau pesan yang mau disampaikan gagal ya otomatis gagal juga design anda. Yang susah itu adalah bagaimana menyampaikan pesan yang begitu banyaknya dalam konsep yang super simpel.

October 21, 2013


Apparently I've been feeling yellow lately. I changed everything in my laptop into yellow. I get bored really easily. I need constant change. That's why I change everything in my laptop almost every month. It keeps me refreshed. Usually it's colorful, but this time they're all in yellow.

Not to forget, my google chrome theme has been yellow-ish-ed too. Now, they all match. The egg yolk makes me happy. Happy is indeed simple!

Busan Choral Festival

This weekend, Busan Choral Festival was held again for the second time in two years in a row. 3 teams from Indonesia participated. For this year, they made an parade event and I participated. And so I get to walk along Haeundae with the 3 teams. It took me back when I was in elementary school when I participated in YMJ's choir. They were singing along the way. Beautiful voices, I thought! Such a great harmony. I wish I could sing. They were singing Indonesian national songs, as usual hearing the songs got me goosebumps. Yes, I miss home.

October 20, 2013

A friday-like Saturday!

I know I keep saying this, but delicious (and pricey) food plus friends are always the best combination for the weekend! It was really cloudy though.

Garden Salad

Jack Daniels' Chopped Steak

Broccoli Cheese Soup

Brownie + Vanilla Icecream

with Meiska